AphronICS: Lake Maracaibo, Area Lagomar, Venezuela
Geology: Mature Formations, Low Pressure
Pressure Gradient: 0.16 a o.20 psi/ft @ 6,000 feet. Equivalent: 2.4 – 3.9 ppg
Wells Drilled with Aerated Mud: VLA-1271, VLA-1278, VLA-1283, VLA-1285, VLA-1289 and VLA-1291
Density Equivalent with Aerated Mud: 4.0 ppg
Problems Experienced
Unstable borehole due shales, tight hole, and stuck pipe
Lost circulation even with aerated mud
Lost circulation during cementing
Difficulty with logging and using MWD
Drilled low pressure zones
Obtained geological information
Eliminated need for air equipment
Obtained cores of producing zones
Operation Accomplishments
Drilled well to programmed total depth (TD)
Drilled without lost circulation
Successful electric logs including RFT
Successful coring, 390ft (91% recovery)
Excellent cementing with full returns
Excellent borehole stability
Allowed continued development of the Lagomar field